President’s message: Time to take advantage of NAR - by Bob Marchewka

Well that was a long spring, but summer is here and with it optimism for another great year for commercial real estate. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) held their mid-year conference in Washington D.C. May 9-14. I attended this year on behalf of NH CIBOR, 2015 Realtor of the Year John Jackman of Jackman Commercial Realty, Inc. attended on behalf of New England Commercial Property Exchange (NECPE) and Chris Norwood from NAI Norwood Group attended on behalf of NH CIBOR and as the Realtors Federal Political Coordinator to Congressman Frank Guinta.
Jackman did a great deal of research into the ever-changing field of commercial property exchanges, property research databases, software and various programs that will be available to our members in the near future. Through his hard work and the work of our boards and committees I am confident we will be able to navigate the best course of action and direction with our various vendors as we move forward.
Norwood, as always, was instrumental in helping shepherd us through the offices our congressional and senate representatives. Norwood and Bob Quinn from New Hampshire Association of Realtors (NHR) possess a great deal institutional knowledge and their familiarity with all the players there makes our visit comfortable and unique. We were able to convey our positions on the need to allow competitive, privatized flood insurance to help lower rates and reiterate our support for the 1031 Exchange program that seems to have perennial opposition from myopic and politically motivated groups and individuals. I believe our representatives are all in support of our positions and view the 1031 program as it should be viewed; as an economic stimulus, not a tax loophole.
In general I thought there was a greater emphasis on commercial real estate at the conference this year, than in previous years. I think NAR is realizing they need the support and involvement from commercial Realtors and are putting more resources into building that relationship. There are more commercial study courses being made available through NAR, a big push for the CCIM program and even a NAR-sponsored commercial marketing campaign! It’s time to take advantage of everything NAR is offering and it’s time to help build a greater commercial Realtor community in our state, throughout the U.S. and around the world.
For information on how to get involved, how to access programs and how to help build our commercial Realtor/NH CIBOR brand feel free to contact me, bob@onecommercialrealestate.com Thanks and don’t forget to attend both important upcoming events:
• The Second Annual New Hampshire Real Estate Awards on June 6th, from 5-8 p.m. at The Puritan Back Room, Manchester N.H. A great benefit for our charitable arm CIBOR Cares and;
• The highly anticipated and world renowned TFMoran/NH CIBOR Annual Summer BBQ on June 16th from 4-7 p.m. at TFMoran, Constitution Dr., Bedford N.H. Raffles, awards, free food and drinks! Bring a guest too.
Bob Marchewka is the 2016 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors, Bedford, N.H.