Total Green Energy Solution shows you the invisible money
Boston, MA Yes, invisible money is around us and many of us do not know how to keep it! Since we do not see it, we do not know when we lose it! Total Green Energy Solution has made the invisible into visible for many of their clients. Since 2009 they have found their passionate mission to be a facilitator in making energy efficient buildings in Greater Boston Area. Total Green Energy Solution team is led by Bijan Khosraviani, PhD and in addition to energy efficiency consultation it provides 3D animation, energy modeling and 3D printing. Their mission has been to reduce the construction cost, the carbon footprint, and the utility cost, while increasing safety, air quality, sustainability and resale value. Take into consideration the simple steps such as changing incandescent light bulbs to LEDs, insulating the warm and cool air escape routes, and getting appliances that do more with less are the simplest way to materialize that invisible money. Working with new construction has allowed them to bring energy efficiency as part of the measurable quality of a building.
Let us try to quantify this invisible money. If we take the average of cost of electricity in the United States at 11.88 cents per kilowatt hour and figure a building with 47 lights being on for 5 hours a day, the average monthly cost for incandescent lighting would come to $50.25 per month. Changing those lights to LEDs would change the cost to only $7.97 per month. That is a gain of $42.28 per month by just that simple change. Let’s even take that further and instead of paying that $42.28 for energy cost per month, place that money in the market with gain of 7% per year for a period of 10 years. That investment would gain $7,402.99...Now that is what is we call visible money.
The lighting scenario above is one of the ways they guide and consult their clients to go through the proper energy efficiency steps. Their consultation and collaboration with the construction team throughout the building process safeguards a successful energy rating at the end of the project. In addition as Home Energy Rating System raters they perform the proper and accurate testing to provide the HERS Certification for new construction projects.