24th Annual Excellence in Construction Awards
On behalf of the Massachusetts Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractor (ABC MA), I am pleased to congratulate our 14 member companies receiving Eagle and Merit Awards at the 24th Annual Excellence in Construction Awards, which recognize overall excellence in project execution, craftsmanship, safety, innovative elements and challenges, and client satisfaction. Even during the busiest of times in our industry, it’s important to take a moment to recognize our members’ achievements.
Excellence doesn’t happen by accident. ABC MA helps its members achieve award-winning results with our fully licensed and accredited school, the Gould Construction Institute. Furthermore, during a time when demand for employees outstrips the supply, the Merit Apprenticeship Program offers member companies qualified workers in a range of trades.
At our awards ceremony, Leon Asadoorian was honored as the 2016 ABC Legend inductee. Leon’s contributions to ABC and our industry have been immeasurable, and continue to this day. It’s fitting that the firm he ran for four decades, Methuen Construction, added another Excellence in Construction award to its roster.
The Legends program benefits ABC’s Building Our Future Scholarship, which supports the development of the talent and leadership our industry will need to thrive as we move forward.
A primary tie that binds ABC MA members is our support for the continued development of the merit shop construction industry. We are extremely proud of the fact that some of the region’s finest contractors are ABC MA members, and delighted to showcase some of their best work. Their commitment to improve their industry extends beyond the jobsite, and it has been my honor to serve as ABC chairman.
James Rudolph, Esquire is the managing partner with Rudolph Friedmann LLP and is the 2016 ABC MA chairman and general counsel, Woburn, Mass.