JLL Construction awarded $12 million expansion project for EMD Serono

Billerica, MA EMD Serono selected JLL Construction for their $12 million expansion project. The new building will be an expansion of their existing research and development complex and will span more than 30,000 s/f. The facility will accommodate approximately 120 new and current employees whose focus will be on accelerating innovation in R&D, with a focus on oncology, immune-oncology and immunology.
JLL Construction previously completed work for EMD Serono on their LEED certified Unity and Sagamore buildings at the company’s Billerica Research and Development Institute.
“JLL Construction is proud to continue its partnership as construction manager for EMD Serono in its latest efforts to expand its campus in Billerica,” said JLL project executive Larry Carpenter. “We are excited to be part of the team, which includes Ellenzweig Architects, BR+A and BSC.”
The groundbreaking ceremony was held on May 2 and construction is expected to begin in late spring 2016.
Joining Carpenter on the JLL Construction team will be project manager Brian Keenan, superintendents Dan Browne and Brian LeClerc, and safety officer DonPaul Benzaquin.