Ahmadi of AHA named to USGBC Mass. board

Boston, MA Samira Ahmadi, BEMP, LEED AP BD+C, ID+C, director of energy services at AHA Consulting Engineers has been appointed to the USGBC Mass. Chapter, board of directors. The mission of the USGBC Mass. Chapter is to promote the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings and communities in Massachusetts through education, collaboration, and advocacy, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.
Ahmadi has four years of sustainability consultant experience and has more than six years of experience in architecture and engineering. Her practice at AHA focuses on sustainability and energy performance analyses for new construction projects that are pursuing LEED certification and energy-upgrades, and Life Cycle Cost Analyses for existing building retrofits that are used for utility incentives and government founded initiatives.
Her responsibilities include documenting LEED credits for both engineering and architecture credits, tracking the overall LEED process and project score and consulting with other project team members on sustainable design strategies. Samira is also in charge of energy modeling at AHA and has earned the prestigious Building Energy Modelling Professional (BEMP) Designation from ASHRAE, the highest certification available for energy modelers.
Founded in 1991, AHA Consulting Engineers (AHA) has been serving its clients for 25 years across the country and internationally with over 140 professionals and offices in Boston, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. AHA possesses the clear vision, decisive strategy, and capable organization to meet exacting client needs by quickly developing efficient design solutions within set budget parameters and under tight delivery schedules.