New Rochelle - open for business
Stamford, CT On December 8, 2015, the New Rochelle City Council unanimously approved a new zoning plan that paves the way for the most significant economic rebirth in the city’s historic downtown. The adoption of the downtown Overlay Zone and Community Benefits Policy concludes an intensive year-long research, planning and community outreach process, led by the city of New Rochelle and its designated master developer for downtown, RDRXR.
The new zoning provides a clear and transparent roadmap for investment to developers and property owners, while also setting design standards and community benefit requirements intended to create a thriving, attractive, and sustainable city center.
Join New Rochelle mayor Noam Bransom and Seth Pinsky, executive vice president of RXR Realty to hear about what is happening in New Rochelle on February 28 at the Stamford Marriott.