Hendricson named president of CREW-CT
Farmington, CT CREW-CT, an organization dedicated to supporting and advancing the achievements of women in commercial real estate has elected new officers for this year. Named as president was Courtney Hendricson, vice president of municipal services at Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC), where she designs and implements economic development strategies and drives CERC’s services to Connecticut municipalities.
Elected to additional officer positions and CREW CT’s executive committee are: Colleen Sheridan, R.M. Bradley, president-elect; Melissa Ferrucci , CohnReznick, treasurer; Elizabeth Strole, Rome Clifford Katz & Koerner, secretary; Monika Avery, S/L/A/M Collaborative, national delegate; and Jennifer Marks, BL Companies, sponsorships and past president.
Prior to joining CERC, Hendricson’s career focused on governmental economic development where she served as assistant town manager in Enfield, economic development director in Farmington, as well as director of community development for Connecticut Main Street Center.