CCIM Connecticut chapter holds market analysis designation course

Hartford, CT The CCIM Connecticut chapter hosted a CI 102 Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate Course taught by Stanley Gniazdowksi, CCIM, CRE, at 90 State House Sq. in Hartford. The cornerstone of the CCIM program, the designation curriculum is designed to equip practitioners with the skills they need to profit from the ever-changing commercial real estate industry. Many thanks to Julianna Fritz, Damon Ralph, and Judi Bigda at Wells Fargo for generously allowing the CCIM Connecticut Chapter to use their conference facility for this 4-day course.
The Designation
CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. The CCIM lapel pin denotes that the wearer has completed advanced coursework in financial and market analysis, and demonstrated extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry. CCIM designees are recognized as leading experts in commercial investment real estate.
Investment Expertise
Above all, the CCIM designation represents proven expertise in financial, market, and investment analysis, in addition to negotiation. Courses in these core competencies are taught by industry professionals, ensuring all material reflects the state of the industry. With this real-world education, CCIM designees are able to help their clients:
• Minimize risk
• Enhance credibility
• Make informed decisions
• Close more deals.