CI 102: Market analysis for commercial investment real estate
Hartford, CT You can’t make intelligent real estate decisions without learning about the CCIM Strategic Analysis Model for investors, lenders, developers, brokers and other real estate professionals. Learn how financial analysis and market analysis are two separate, yet completely interrelated components of the strategic analysis process.
Work with four case studies covering each of the major property types: office, industrial, multi-family, and retail. Each case study will build around the CCIM Strategic Analysis Model, which contains four components: Market and competitive analysis, political and legal analysis, location and site analysis, and financial analysis.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
• Apply the CCIM Strategic Model to make a “go” or “no-go” investment decision.
• Use state-of-the-art geospatial technology for analyses.
• Examine real-world case studies of comprehensive analyses for each of the four major property types: office, industrial, residential, and retail.
The course will be held August 15-18 at 90 State House Sq.