SLAM participates in Canstruction Build Day
Wallingford, CT The S/L/A/M Collaborative (SLAM) participated in Canstruction Build Day on May 12, with South Elementary School. SLAM staff and South Elementary School students gathered around at the Connecticut Food Bank with other teams of students and design professionals “canstructing” giant structures made entirely of canned food. Canstruction is a national charity of the design and construction industry created by the Society of Design Administration, hosting competitions, exhibitions, and events showcasing the canned food structures. After the structures are built, they are displayed to the public as a giant art exhibition. At the end of the event, all food is donated to local hunger relief organizations.
The SLAM/South Elementary Team built a “Death Star/R2D2” can structure and won the 2016 Structural Ingenuity Award. The can structure contributed 1,576 cans towards the event total of over 11,000 cans