President’s message: Chapter educational offerings in 2016 - by John Mello
Appraisal Institute education programs have been globally credited as among the best available in the appraisal profession. Education is a principal foundation for the Institute’s hallmark professional designation programs, peer review processes, research and appraisal publications. Its course development is rigorous, with stringent review and quality control protocols. Topics are apace with and anticipate changes in professional practices, regulatory environments, conditions in the areas of real estate finance, banking and law, and technological advancements. Instructors and course content and materials are constantly undergoing evaluation and update. Education offerings have been adapted to professionals’ needs. Whether qualifying, continuing or professional development education, programs now are delivered in various formats and media, including traditional classroom, on-line, webinar, virtual (synchronous) classroom, seminar, “Capstone,” chapter-developed programming on locally applicable topics, print and digital publication, among others. It is this combination of educational standards that ensures the quality of the Appraisal Institute’s education programs which are delivered worldwide.
The Massachusetts and Rhode Island Chapter of the Appraisal Institute has been at the forefront of its eighty-five chapters in the United States. The importance of maintaining and advancing this performance standard is recognized as a primary responsibility by the chapter’s executive committee, board of directors, committee chairs and by myself, as 2016 chapter president. Often mentioned by Appraisal Institute leadership as a model for other chapters, the MA/RI Chapter’s Education Committee’s exemplary performance and service over the years in fulfilling appraisers’ professional education needs has earned such recognition. Whether for designation, certification/licensure or professional or career development, in the interests of quality, accessibility and affordability, the MA/RI Chapter has been dedicated to complementing at the local level education that is available at the national level. Reflecting that dedication and commitment are the following scheduled and proposed education offerings for the first six months of 2016 (subject to course/seminar additions, deletions and/or date, location changes [* tentative):
• January 28: New England Housing Market: 2016 – Opportunities and Challenges (Boston);
• February 3: General Appraiser Income Approach, Part 1 (Woburn, MA);
• February 23: USPAP: 2016-17 (Warwick, RI);
• February 24: Contract or Effective Rent: Finding the Real Rent (Boston);
• March 3: USPAP: 2016-17 (Woburn, MA);
• March 9: General Appraiser Income, Part 2 (Woburn, MA);
• April 6: Basic Appraisal Principles (Braintree, MA);
• April 25: *Appraiser Supervisor / Trainee Course;
• April 24: Advanced Capitalization: Part A [2-day];
• May 12: USPAP 15-Hour National Update;
• June 14: USPAP: 2016-17 (Warwick, RI);
• June 16: Real Estate Finance and Statistical Valuation Modeling;
• June 22: Basic Appraisal Procedures; and
•June 29: USPAP: 2016-17.
Appraisers in New England, whether designated, candidates or affiliates of the Appraisal Institute, or who may have an association with other professional appraisal organizations or with no organizational affiliation, are encouraged to review their own professional education situations and to consider enrolling in any of the above-listed courses that will meet their needs. It is important to note that qualifying appraisers may be eligible to receive scholarship assistance for certain education expenses from the Appraisal Institute at the national or the chapter levels. For ready reference and to keep current with course offerings, registrations and details, appraisers may wish to connect to the following links:
• Appraisal Institute Chapter Offerings: http: // (Education Tab)
•Appraisal Institute Chapter Information: http: //
•Appraisal Institute Chapter Newsletter: http: // (Nov. 2015)
•Appraisal Institute National Offerings: http: //
Appraisers’ participation is encouraged in Appraisal Institute educational offerings that are provided by the MA/RI Chapter and by the national organization. They are a vital gateway to the qualities and resources of appraisal professionalism.
John Mello, SRA, is the 2016 president of the MA/RI chapter of the Appraisal Institute.