Gatti of Greater Boston Commercial Properties, Inc. completes leases totaling 6,460 s/f for Walden Equity Group
Westborough, MA Greater Boston Commercial Properties, Inc. (GBCP) recently completed three lease transactions totaling 6,460 s/f of office space at 125 Turnpike Rd. Benjamin Gatti of GBCP represented the owner Walden Equity Group in a 2,730 s/f lease to Center For Arts & Wellness, LLC, (CAW) a an interpretive dance and music studio. CAW will occupy the corner unit that has frontage and visibility on Rte. 9 before the Lyman St. intersection.
Gatti also represented the landlord in a 2,730 s/f lease to Osmose Utilities, for their new call center and administrative offices for New England.
A third tenant procured by Gatti is STEM Beginnings, an after-school tutoring center for young children. STEM leased 1,000 s/f.