IREM Boston - president's message - Candice Morse

On September 12, the IREM Boston chapter took to Granite Links Golf Course for the 18th annual charity golf tournament. This year was the largest year yet with more than 130 golfers and a picture perfect day on the course. The Boston chapter proudly supported the Boston Police Foundation. The chapter thanks tournament sponsor Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks P. C. and all event sponsors for their support!
At a meeting held on September 12, by the vote of those chapter CPM members, CPM candidates, ARM members and ACoM members and associate members present, the following officers and executive counselors were elected to serve in 2017:
President: Peter Lewis, CPM President-Elect: Gregg Jenner, CPM, ARM Vice President: Warren Lizio, CPM, ARM Treasurer: Nancy Reno, CPM Secretary: Neilie Sequeira, CPM, ARM Executive Councilors: Craig Chisholm, CPM, ARM; Phil Renzi, CPM, ARM; Carolyn Leonard, CPM; Tasha Davis, ARM; Tracey Achille, ARM and Stephen Mangano, CPMC. Immediate past President Candice Morse, CPM, ARM National past President Christopher Mellen, CPM, ARM Region 1 Regional VP David Barrett, CPM, ARM IAE Kelley Hannon, Broker, IAE IAE Tanya Reed, IAE
Team IREM Boston has raised more than $6,500 for the upcoming Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation One Walk (JDRF) on October 1, 2016. We are asking the members to visit our team page and sign up to walk. This will be a great opportunity to meet other members of the chapter while participating in this great event. If you can not join us for the One Walk on October 1, please consider registering for the IREM Boston Crawl for a Cause event in Boston on October 7.
Immediate upcoming events include the IREM Tri-State Regional Conference on September 22 in Groton, Conn., Team IREM Boston will take to the DCR Hatch Shell on October 1 to participate in the JDRF One Walk, the IREM “Crawl for a Cause” event on October 7 to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and the first ever Presidential Gala event at the Top of the Hub Restaurant to honor IREM national president, Christopher Mellen, CPM, ARM.
I would like to thank all of our members and the volunteers serving on the Boston chapter executive board and committees for your continued support of the chapter. We would not have the largest IREM chapter in the world without you. Your continued support in 2016 and in the years to follow is truly appreciated.
Candice Morse, ARM, CPM, is the 2016 president of the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 and senior property manager at Thayer & Associates, Inc. AMO, Cambridge, Mass.