IREM publishes Guide to Optimal Performance
May 15, 2008 - Connecticut
A new and insightful guide for today's real estate leaders - highlighting proven strategies to help any organization achieve optimal performance, profitability, and a competitive edge - is now available from the Institute of Real Estate Management. Authored by real estate industry expert and visionary Christopher Lee, president and chief executive officer of the Los Angeles-based CEL & Associates, Inc., the publication is titled From Good to Great to Best-in-Class: A Real Estate Leader's Guide to Optimal Performance. It is the latest in a series of offerings called IREM Key Reports, and provides an in-depth analysis - accompanied by tables and diagrams - of important trends and changes currently impacting today's real estate management industry.
The report concludes with 50 predictions on events that are likely to occur over the next decade that could significantly impact the real estate management industry; also, a Worth Reading list of recommended texts.
IREM Key Report: From Good to Great to Best-in Class: A Real Estate Leader's Guide to Optimal Performance is $47.95 for IREM Members and $59.95 retail (plus shipping and applicable state sales tax). To order, contact the IREM Customer Relations Department at 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, or call toll-free at (800) 837-0706, ext. 4650.