City of Warwick offers an unlimited array of business development opportunities - by Scott Avedisian
Located in the heart of Southern New England, the City of Warwick offers an unlimited array of business development opportunities and a host of resources geared towards helping companies grow and thrive.
As the home to T.F. Green Airport and Rhode Island’s MBTA commuter rail station, the InterLink, and with easy access to Interstates 95 and 295, Warwick is a convenient location for employers, employees and customers alike. With 20 MBTA stops daily between Warwick and Boston, Condor Airlines seasonal service from Frankfurt, Germany to T.F. Green starting back up in June and new service to and from T.F. Green to Chicago O’Hare to begin in early April, business, as well as leisure travel options continue to grow.
City Centre Warwick is an innovative, award-winning concept that has brought to life the redevelopment of more than 100 acres surrounding T.F. Green Airport, the InterLink intermodal commuter rail stations and Interstates 95 and 295. This vibrant, transit-oriented, mixed-use commerce center and neighborhood offers unparalleled development opportunities. In addition to economic development, this area has also served as the catalyst for job growth throughout the City Centre Warwick and the city as a whole. A market segmentation analysis and a multi-pronged marketing plan, being developed with our state partners, will help to target and attract key industries to the area, such as foreign trade, high-value manufacturing, distribution services, and the health care, educational services, financial, and biotechnology industries. Other initiatives that have been or are being developed will help further enhance economic development efforts, and a modern and well-maintained transportation network pivotal to the city’s continues growth and success.
The state Department of Transportation and the city are working cooperatively to implement more than $1 million worth of infrastructure, safety, and aesthetic improvements along the Coronado Rd. corridor. The project, paid for through a federal grant, will complement ongoing development in the area and serve to attract additional businesses to City Centre Warwick.
For more information, additional businesses coming to the area and project timelines please visit: www.citycentre¬warwick
Scott Avedisian is the mayor of the city of Warwick, RI