Professional Profile: Deborah Foehr 2015
July 16, 2015 - Connecticut
Name: Deborah Foehr
Title: Broker
Company: Star Commercial Real Estate, LLC
Location: 324 Ellsworth St., Bridgeport, CT 06605
Birthplace and Year: Buffalo, NY, 1950
Your favorite quote or words to live by: "If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said"
What 5 words would you use to describe how you got to where you are now: Education, perseverance, excellent mentors, negotiator, hard work
Your first job: Hotel switch board operator
First job in the commercial industry: Tunick Brothers, The Marketplace in Greenwich
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Mainly retail leasing is what I have been doing and am looking to become more involved in selling and acquisitions
How do you unwind from a busy day at work: Read and watch TV
What object can you not live without: My Dog, Diesel
Favorite movie or show: The Princess Bride
Favorite song and artist: Desparado by the Eagles
If you knew then what you know now, what would you tell yourself: Put 10% of every dollar into savings and investments
Are you affiliated with any organizations (If so, which ones?): ICSC
Rules to live by in business: Honesty, win-win, take action
Do you volunteer anywhere (If so, where?): Not presently
What is your dream job: Own a stable