IREM and CAI recognize each other's designations and educational offerings
July 2, 2015 - Owners Developers & Managers
IREM is proud of its longstanding reciprocity agreement with The Community Association Institute (CAI). Due to the high quality education offered by both institutions, IREM and CAI recognize each other's designations and educational offerings.
CAI recognizes IREM courses leading to the Certified Property Manager (CPM) designation as continuing education credits for the Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation. In return, IREM recognizes the PCAM designation for a criteria to fast track toward obtaining the CPM designation.
Managers holding the PCAM designation in good standing are accelerated through the CPM program and only have to complete the ethics course and submit a management plan or pass the Management Plan Skills Assessment (MPSA), and pass the CPM Certification exam to meet the criteria to apply for their CPM designation. This approach bypasses 7 core class requirements normally needed to obtain the CPM designation.
To become a CPM you must have 36 months of experience and meet the minimum portfolio size and job functions. You must become a CPM candidate, ARM or ACOM for 12 months prior to your CPM approval.
The Boston Chapter holds all CPM required courses in the area each year. These offerings benefit our members in that they do not need to travel out of the Boston area to take a required course. This also benefits CAI members who hold their PCAM designation in that it provides a wide range recognized continuing education courses that meets the requirement for the 3 year renewal of the PCAM and Certified Manager of Community Association designation (CMCA).
David Barrett, CPM, ARM, PCAM, AMS, CMCA, is president of RCM Services, Allston, Mass.