Professional Profile: Gregg Jenner 2015
June 18, 2015 - Spotlights
Name: Gregg Jenner, CPM, ARM
Title: Senior Regional Manager
Company: The Simon Companies
Location: Braintree, MA
Birthplace: Weymouth, MA
Education: Architectural / Structural Design and Land Surveying WVTHS, Univ. of Rhode Island, NSCC, IREM since 1989
First job outside of real estate: Never. I started my career with CMJ Management Company at age 13, joined IREM in 1989 and never looked back.
First job in real estate or allied field: I started as a building cleaner with CMJ and moved into the Landscaping crew shortly thereafter.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am The senior regional manager and assistant to the vice president. I hope to remain in real estate for another 30 years continuing to grow and advance.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I play hockey 3 times a week in the New England Senior Hockey League. I also spend the majority of my other free time with my family volunteering at local organizations assisting the homeless. I also love my German Sheppard "Christmas", she is an instant de-stresser !!!
Favorite book or author: "Patriot Reign" Michael Holley
Favorite movie: I love scary and Horror movies.
Last song you downloaded? Ariana Grande, My Everything
One word to describe your work environment: TEAM
Rules to live by in business: Lead by example, say what you mean and mean what you say,
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Tom Brady!!! My house.
What is your dream job? My dream job ..... Tom Brady's' pool boy in Key West Florida