Professional Profile: Anthony DeSantis 2015
June 18, 2015 - Spotlights
Name: Anthony DeSantis
Title: Second Vice President of New England Land Title Association
Company: Old Republic National Title Insurance Co.
Location: 300 Brickstone Sq., Suite 1005, Andover, MA
Birthplace and year: Boston, 1970
Family: Wife, Michelle; children: Charlie & Elena
College: Syracuse University, BA Political Science; DePaul Law School, JD
First job outside of Title Insurance: Greater Boston Legal Services, employment unit
First job in Title Insurance or allied field: Agent for Old Repuplic
What do you do now and what are planning for the future? Interact with board members. As treasurer I am responsible for NELTA finances and accountability.
Hobbies: Time with family; run; fishing; camping and kayaking.
Favorite book: "The prayer of Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson
Favorite movie: "Kicking & Screaming"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Dick Scanlon, soccer coach
Keys to success: If they pay you a dollar, give them two dollars worth of work.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Teacher/coach