Jeff Kirby Commercial Real Estate Agent Lyman Real Estate
April 17, 2008 - Connecticut
Name: Jeff Kirby
Title: Commercial Real Estate Agent
Company: Lyman Real Estate
Location: 716 Beaumont Hwy., Lebanon, CT
Birthplace: Norwich, CT
Family: Wife, Ursula; two children, Katrina and Kameron
College: ECSU
First job unrelated to current field: Manufacturing supervisor
First job in current field: Facility manager
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Lyman Real Estate is a full service real estate firm serving all of Connecticut in their commercial/industrial brokerage, development and property management needs. Our firm is unique in that it brings an owner/developer's eye to each transaction and uses creative thinking to get the best deal to the finish line. Our plan for the future is to continue serving our existing and future clients to the best of our ability and seek out development opportunities to continue to grow our business.
Hobbies: ASA and USSA softball
Favorite book: "Good to Great"
Favorite film: "Field of Dreams"
Keys to success: Good sense of humor
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Hank Aaron
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Orthopedic surgeon