50 Year Billboard Anniversary Q&A - Marlene Aron
August 28, 2014 - Spotlights
Name: Marlene Aron
Title: Senior Associate Broker
Company: Metrowest Commercial Real Estate
Location: Framingham, Mass.
Q. The approximate number of years you have been a subscriber and/or how the NEREJ has been a benefit to you and/or your business.
A. 29 years ago, I started Investment Property Specialists, and Karen Dowell, my NEREJ account executive, helped me launch the firm. The Journal was our main source of connecting with buyers & lessees, no internet then. It was the best source for legislative updates, new listings, trade articles and press releases to help let the commercial real estate world know about the new firm and my transactions.
Q. The approximate year you discovered the NEREJ and what business you were in at the time.
A. In 1983, my office manager, David Tognacci, probably introduced me to NEREJ. We worked for a C-21, commercial division at the time.
Q. Your most memorable or favorite "15 minutes of fame" in the NEREJ.
A.1990 - my wedding picture. I married Robert Aron, a real estate developer. Every year we "renew the lease for one more year."