A hopeful year in the General Assembly
August 7, 2014 - Rhode Island
Once again, the residential construction industry and Rhode Island business in general have had a very hopeful year in the General Assembly.
Thanks to our great legislative committee and the Rhode Island Business Coalition, several major bills that will affect our industry have been enacted. Especially exciting is the impending reform in the career and technical education system statewide, which promises - at last - a big step in solving our state's chronic shortage of skilled labor.
A skilled workforce will benefit not only our industry but every industry, those already in Rhode Island and those that might wish to come here. On behalf of all our members, I say "well done" to all who worked on these bills!
Free education expands
The Rhode Island Builders Association's free education program for members and their employees will continue to grow this fall. One look at our calendar will give you more than a hint of what's in store to help you improve your knowledge and your business.
Educational offerings through the rest of this year will include not only the essential classes like OSHA-10, Quickbooks and a lead-licensing refresher workshop, but also Trenching, Excavation and Soil Classification; how to use social media; and advertising/marketing.
There may be a nominal charge for materials in some courses, but members and their employees pay no tuition, and non-members will still get a bargain when taking advantage of these classes. Additionally, we will continue to offer some courses in multiple locations around the state for your convenience, courtesy of our supplier members.
Finally, you still have time to register for our 64th Annual Clambake at Francis Farm on August 8th. Tickets remain cheap for a whole day of food and fun.
See you in Rehoboth!
Felix Carlone is the president of the Rhode Island Builders Assn.
Felix Carlone, F.A. Carlone & Sons