Col. Samaris of USACE speaks to EBC-NE members
March 31, 2014 - Green Buildings
Colonel Charles Samaris, Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New England District provided a presentation on March 20. Members of the Environmental Business Council of New England filled a room with an astounding view at Wilmer Hale's office.
Samaris provided an energized and engaging overview of USACE's and the District's roles and missions. The presentation emphasized USACE's support for the Department of Defense and Civil works missions. The colonel's presentation also illuminated recent efforts by the district providing support to Hurricane Sandy recover efforts along the Eastern Seaboard.
His presentation was followed by a discussion driven by Curt Thalken, PE, COL (ret) of Normandeau, Inc. and a panel of representatives from the EPA Region 1 (New England), Mass DEP, Battelle Memorial Institute and Mabbett & Associates. Battelle and Mabbett are private sector firms partnering with the District to support construction, design and permitting activities. The discussion touched on some past projects and included perspectives on what is on the horizon for these partnerships.
Following the presentation, Samaris took questions from both the audience and a panel with representatives from: EPA Region 1 (New England), the MA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and both large (Battelle Memorial Institute) and small business (Mabbett & Assoc.) private sector firms partnering with the District to support construction, design and permitting activities. The event was a success thanks to the sponsorship of the EBC member companies Normandeau Associates Inc., Charter Environmental Inc. and Battelle.