Professional Profile: David Zamary, 2014
March 13, 2014 - Financial Digest
Name: David A. Zamary
Title: First VP & Acting President, Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Assn.
Company: First County Bank
Location: 100 Prospect Street, Stamford, CT
Place of Birth and Year: Bridgeport, CT – 1957
Family: wife; Debra, daughters; Taryn, Jenna
College: Fairfield University – BA Economics; MBA in Finance – U of New Haven
First Job in Finance or Allied Field: Mechanics & Farmers Bank – Mgmt. Trainee
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: As acting pres., promote the welfare of mortgage banking – tougher process – went from loosey goosey to real tight process. Also have a lot of educational seminars at CMBA
Hobbies: Bike ride; speed walk; spend time outdoors
Favorite Book: “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding
Favorite Movie: “Scarface”
Person you most emulate (outside of family): John F. Kennedy
Key to success (one idea): Be honest, know the business; provide good follow up; be conscientious
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be?: Psychologist or psychiatrist – work with people