Professional Profile: Louis Chinappi, 2014
March 13, 2014 - Financial Digest
Name: Louis Chinappi
Title: Chair - Mass. Mortgage Bankers Association
Company: Conn. Attorney's Title Insurance Corp. (CATIC)
Location: 1700 West Park Drive, Sutie 21, Westborough, MA
Place of Birth and Year: Winchester, MA - 1963
Family: wife; Susan, children; David, Andrea
College: Salem State College - BS Bus. Admin; MBA
First Job in Finance or Allied Field: Teller at Stoneham Cooperative Bank
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Focus on assisting members with implementation of all new regulations banks are facing; more advocacy, get involved with legislators; more networking (i.e. March Madness - March 20th at Sea Dog Pub - Woburn)
Hobbies: Run and workout at the gym
Favorite Book: "Prayer for Owen Meaney" by John Irving
Favorite Movie: "It's a Wonderful Life"
Key to success (one idea): Address uncomfortable situations head on
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be?: Artist