Professional Profile: Bill Bergman, 2014
February 20, 2014 - Connecticut
Name: Bill Bergman
Title: Vice President, Leasing
Company: Muss Development, LLC
Location: Forest Hills, NY
Place of birth: Brooklyn, NY
Family: 2 children, 4 & 2 years old
College: SUNY Albany, NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate
First job unrelated to your current field: Collections agent, Key Bank
First job in current field: Promotional brokerage at Wertheim Sheehan focusing on the Midtown South/Manhattan submarket
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Real estate development and leasing
Hobbies: I'm a foodie so I love finding new places to eat.
Favorite novel: "The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier & Clay"
Favorite film: "Easy Money"
Keys to success: Maintaining a high level of integrity with an honest approach in your dealings with others.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): I can think of no one person, but generally, people that sacrifice for the good of others.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Skiing instructor