Professional Profile: Chris Wall, 2014
February 13, 2014 - Rhode Island
Name: Chris Wall
Title: Sales Associate; President, Greater Providence Board of Realtors
Company: Residential Properties
Location: 140 Wickenden Street Providence, RI 02903
Birthplace: St. Joseph, Missouri
Education: High School: Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT
College: Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
First job outside of real estate: Stock boy at my dad's department store: Townsend & Wall
First job in real estate or allied field: Coleman Realtors, Sales Associate 2003
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Have been a Top Producer at Residential Properties on the East Side and in Barrington since 2008, keep on building and serving our clients...looking to leading my fellow realtors in the upcoming year!
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Hop on my bike or play golf
Favorite book or author: Book - "The Great Gatsby" Author - Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite movie: Tie between "Casablanca" and "Annie Hall"
Last song you downloaded? Still in the CD world - Ain't No Stopping Us Now by
McFadden and Whitehead - get's you going in the morning!
One word to describe your work environment: Gung Ho - Is that 2 words?
Rules to live by in business: Honesty, integrity, character: it is all about trust!
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Harry Truman - I would let Harry pick the place, but I think he might like the Capitol Grille: bourbon and steaks!
What is your dream job? Cast member, Saturday Night Live