01-29-2014 - BRAGB to hold Annual Economic Forecast Dinner
January 3, 2014 - Front Section
The Builders and Remodelers Association of Great Boston (BRAGB) will hold their Annual Economic Forecast Dinner on January 29th at the Embassy Suites Hotel from 6 – 9 p.m.
This event is nBRAGB's most well attended event of the year - offering insight from industry professionals and providing a look into the future. The dinner provides a place for members to meet and talk about the economy as it relates to the home building industry. Learn what challenges lie ahead for the region and industry in 2014 from the experts.
Presenting speaker: Christopher Herbert, director of research, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
Government Affairs Update: Benjamin Fierro, III, Lynch & Fierro, LLP – Counsellors at Law
BRAGB Members: $75
Non-Members: $90
Event registration – www.bragb.org