5 easy ways to add video to your social media programs
December 27, 2013 - Front Section
are all attached to screens. We digest enormous amount of content on a daily basis and as a result, cutting though the marketing clutter is tough.
Video, however, is one way to get your brand messages seen through social media. Here are five ways to do so:
Vine's Are Not Only for Grapes
The video service called Vine is an easy and effective way to create short, simple, six-second looping videos that can be shared to Twitter and Facebook. Vines can be used to showcase properties, highlight events and provide other short snippets of video that will be easier for your target audience to view.
Insta-Video with Instagram
Instagram video is a great way to take your social media community into your offices and show how you do what you do.
Facebook Beyond Photos
Facebook is another social network to show your social community what's happening with your firm, be it new properties, staff events, community involvement and more.
YouTube is King
In terms of video services, YouTube is king. In fact, it's the second largest used search engine due to the wide variety of content it provides viewers. You can use YouTube for longer form videos that showcase properties, events or company news.
Plus, Google+
Last but not least is Google+, a growing social network that is growing in importance due to its tie to ranking content on Google search. You can record Google+ hangouts, upload them to YouTube and share them to other social networks.
Don Martelli is a vice president and director of digital integration for Schneider Associates, Boston. He can be reached at dmartelli@schneiderpr.com or via Twitter, @BigGuyD.