Michael Kelleher Director of Asset Mgmt. Federal Realty Investment Trust
March 26, 2008 - Retail
Name: Michael Kelleher
Title: Director of Asset Management
Company: Federal Realty Investment Trust
Location: Boston
Birthplace and year: Miami, Fla., 1961
Family: Wife, Robyn; daughters: Marissa and Makayla; sons: Michael and Marcus
College: Greenfield Community College
First job outside of real estate: Retail with Foot Locker
First job in real estate or allied field: Operations manager for the Mall of New Hampshire
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I direct and oversee the company's Massachusetts properties and will be doing so as we grow.
Hobbies: Golf, beach, travel
Favorite book: "Tuesdays With Morrie"
Favorite movie: "Remember the Titans"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Steve Karp
Key to success: Stay focused to ensure actions meet goals and objectives.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Work helping the homeless