04-26-2013 - EBC social media marketing program: 'The State of Social' in the environmental industry - April 26
April 1, 2013 - Front Section
Following on the Environmental Business Council’s (EBC) popular social media seminars in 2012, this EBC Social Media Program will look at how the environmental industry is adapting to the addition of Social Media into the marketing mix. The April 26 program will address issues regarding getting leadership buy-in, setting up a corporate Social Media policy, how social media is integrated into an overall marketing program, and how to deliver measurable ROI. The program will be held from 7:30am to noon at Foley Hoag Enterprise Center, Bay Colony Corporate Center, 1000 Winter St., north entrance suite 4000.
The program chairs are Angela Cincotta, director of marketing for TRC and Catherine Stanley, PR/social media manager, also of TRC.
• Lisa Brothers, Nitsch Engineering
• Ryan Brown, HubSpot
• Matt Chagnon, PSNH
• Maryellen Frawley, AECOM
• Ken Gray, Pierce Atwood
• Eric Wilson, New England Real Estate Journal
For more information contact the Environmental Business Council of New England at 617-505-1818 or visit https://www.cvent.com/events/ebc-social-media-marketing-program-the-state-of-social-in-the-environmental-industry/registration-afa1bdccfe774917bf5abad5d58e739a.aspx