Sullivan & Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC to auction off 181 acres on April 4th at 11 a.m.
March 28, 2013 - Front Section
According to Sullivan & Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC, a 181-acre parcel of land in Carver, Plympton and Middleboro will present a rare opportunity for developers when it goes to auction due to foreclosure on April 4th at 11a.m.
Previously the home of a sand and gravel company, this commercial development site lends itself to easy access from Rtes. 44, 58, and 495. The property is comprised of 127 acres located at 3-4 Park Ave. in Carver; 54 acres on Prospect Rd. in Plympton; and 6.8 acres on Brook St. in Middleboro. Since word of the foreclosure sale has been made public, it has generated a whole new round of interest.
There is also an opportunity for licensed real estate professionals to get in on the action. The lender is offering a generous 1.5% co-broke to any broker that pre-registers their buyer prior to the deadline of 2 p.m. April 3rd and their buyer is the successful high bidder at the auction.
Marianne Sullivan, president of Sullivan & Sullivan, LLC, said, "181 acres of land is a rare opportunity of which a developer can take advantage through buying it here at public auction."
Prospective bidders should visit to request a property information packet containing pertinent information as well as the terms of sale.
Additionally, an environment report can be viewed at either Sullivan & Sullivan Auctioneers in Sandwich, or at Bartlett Hackett Feinberg P.C. (the mortgagee's attorney) in Boston.
"The region of Carver, Plympton, and Middleboro is a geographic area of Southeastern Mass. that is on the radar screen of many economic developers," Sullivan said.
The foreclosure auction will take place at 5 Park St. in Carver (next to the site).
Sullivan & Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC is a full-service auctioneering firm that specializes in marketing and auctioning residential, commercial, and industrial real estate. The auctioneers at S&SA are licensed, bonded, and experienced in MA, RI, and NH. Areas of expertise include foreclosure, commissioner's, condominium lien, court-appointed, bankruptcy, and owner's auctions.