President's message: 2013 Home Show will be the best ever!
March 7, 2013 - Rhode Island
March brings us to the eve of our 2013 Home Show, which promises to be the best ever presented by the Rhode Island Builders Association. Thanks to the hard work of chairman Ron Smith of Ron Smith Homes and our home show committee, along with Carol O'Donnell of CRM Modular Homes, Bob Yoffe of Yoffe Exposition Services, RIBA executive director John Marcantonio and our RIBA staff, the Home Show promises to be big and exciting, with something for everyone.
Watch your mail for free member passes to the Home Show. Then be sure to take advantage of RIBA Member Night on the first night of the show, April 4th, when the passes will admit two. Or use them on any other show day, when they will admit one.
International Builders Show
I was among the RIBA members, and members of the residential construction industry from all over the world, to attend the International Builders Show and National Association of Home Builders Convention, which ran from January 22nd through 24th at the Las Vegas Convention Center. It was an amazing experience, with exhibitors in over 300 building industry categories and with more than 100 classes and seminars. If you didn't make it this year, and especially if you have never attended an IBS, don't deny yourself this great educational and networking opportunity! Plan to attend next year's event, February 4th through 6th, 2014, in Las Vegas.
The 2013 legislative session
Late February and early March is when things typically get revved up in the general assembly, and RIBA is there. At this time, most bills have been introduced, and hearings are taking place.
Thanks to our hard-working legislative committee, headed by Ed Ladouceur of the Stormtite Co. (a member of the Warwick City Council) and Steve Carlino of Douglas Lumber Home Center, we have been monitoring a number of bills of concern to our industry. We also have several bills that have been, or will be, submitted on our behalf.
Bring a friend!
RIBA, especially our remodelers committee and our professional women in building council, are sponsoring ongoing seminars and social events for members, but also to introduce non-members to RIBA. Certainly the best recruiting tool is for you to bring a subcontractor or other industry colleague to experience RIBA up close. Remember: When you recruit a new regular member, you get $50 in cash!
Watch the calendar in The Rhode Island Builder Report and online at for these events. Be sure to participate and bring a friend!
Felix Carlone is the president of the Rhode Island Builders Assn.