President's message: Start the year with a goal!
January 3, 2013 - Northern New England
"This time I'm going to get it right! This time it's going to be different!"
In 2008, NH CIBOR ventured out on our own: a new office, independent from NHAR, our own executive officer, and me, with a worried hand at the helm!
Like a kid in kindergarten, we proceeded to explore our new environment: a series of successes and failures resulted. But, we learned a lot!
In 2012, we are organized! We have a highly competent executive officer in
Allison Ropes, a smart board of directors, and a budget that is under control!
Now we can build on that solid base. My goal in 2013 is membership participation.
Volunteer organizations are difficult to manage - there is no payroll! Everyone works on goodwill.
The work of the organization needs to originate among the committees of the membership. Dynamic committees can have great achievement, especially if there is interaction among members. All too often, a committee starts with a group but dwindles to the chair alone, who is then shouldering the whole burden. This is cyclically true for many non-profits like NH CIBOR. No one is immune. It relies on leadership.
By contrast, the larger the organization, the more participation and dynamism: the NHAR, large Chambers of Commerce, church groups, school boards. With larger numbers, there is a satisfying social aspect and even more business opportunities through the resulting networks created. People create the energy, generate ideas, execute tasks.
NH CIBOR has key committees: membership, affiliates, education, communications, CPE, special events, all of which need multiple players to assume specific functions to add to our success.
My #1 goal: 10% increase in membership in realtors and affiliates. This will feed all other functions in the organization and lead to a 2013 of which to be proud. Here,we have strong leadership in Andre Tremblay and Bob Anderson ! I'm confident that our goal will be exceeded!
Tom Duffy is the 2013 president of the NH CIBOR chapter and NH CPE.