Do your research and trust your instincts
December 27, 2012 - Front Section
In a previous article, I talked about the two questions I am most commonly asked: How is social media going to help my business, and secondly, where can I find the time? With those questions answered, I think it is a good idea to follow up with the two most important social marketing exercises for beginners. In social business marketing, you will have many important daily exercises, such as understanding your weaknesses, or asking for help in content creation. However, the two most important exercises are reading and listening.
Reading is vital to all social marketing campaigns, because this gives you insight into your following, your industry, and affiliating industries. Be sure to set time aside each day to read posts, blogs, and white papers that talk about not only your related field but also ones that talk about your day-to-day job activities. When creating content for your followers, digest the content that those you follow are displaying. When starting a social campaign, first it is best to understand that you are creating a new habit, which takes time to form. Reading is the first and most important habit to create because it is what most web surfers are already doing.
The second most important exercise, which can also be the hardest, is listening to your gut and having confidence in your posts. When starting social campaigns or social marketing, there can be a feeling of being vulnerable or exposed-but trusting your instincts is the best way to build the confidence and take the steps needed. Every campaign and every company is different; there is no one strategy that works for all, so like most things in life, you must learn by trial and error. The last reason to always go with your gut is to demonstrate who you are in each post, blog, or white paper you share with your community.
Eric Wilson is special projects director at New England Real Estate Journal, Norwell, Mass.