Professional Profile: William Teichman 2012
November 21, 2012 - Green Buildings
Name: William Teichman
Title: Director of Sustainability
Company: Kimco Realty Corp.
Location: Charlotte, N.C.
Place of birth: Potsdam, N.Y.
Family: My wife Avery, our 2 1/2 year old son Flinn, and a baby girl due in January
College: M.B.A. Darden School of Business, University of Virginia | B.A. Economics and Politics, Washington and Lee University
First job in current field: Sustainability & energy consultant for retailers and real estate owners
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Kimco is a real estate investment trust (REIT) headquartered in New Hyde Park, that owns and operates North America's largest portfolio of neighborhood and community shopping centers. As of June 30th, the company owned interests in 926 shopping centers comprising 136 million s/f of leasable space across 44 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico and South America. Kimco's Corporate Responsibility program was launched in 2011 and focuses on how we conduct business, including the positive contribution we make to communities and our initiatives to safeguard the environment. Our programs are aligned with Kimco's core business activities of owning and operating shopping centers - seeking to create economic, social and environmental value for the company and its many stakeholders.
Hobbies: Cooking, running (mostly chasing our 2 year old these days), fly fishing & following the news
Favorite novel: So many...I'm currently on a non-fiction kick, reading Jon Getner's The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
Favorite film: Anything by the Cohen Brothers
Keys to success: Taking a pragmatic approach to problem solving, seeking to understand the broader context behind business & societal challenges, and staying focused on a long-term vision for improvement
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): People who make a career out of bringing positive changes to the world - whether that be in the business, government, academia or the non-profit arena
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: I'd start a small neighborhood restaurant with a focus on simple classic dishes made with organic/local ingredients