Professional Profile: John Weaver 2012
November 8, 2012 - Spotlights
Name: John Weaver
Title: President and Managing Principal
Company: DiGiorgio Associates Inc. (DAI)
Location: Boston, MA
Place of birth: Baltimore, MD
Family: Married with four children
College: Georgia Institute of Technology
First job unrelated to your current field: During college - store room manager of a hospital in Atlanta
First job in current field: Project manager - design/builder - The Carlson Group - Atlanta office
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Architectural and engineering firm that designs healthcare facilities from hospitals to ambulatory care to long term care. Our firm will continue this focus on healthcare facilities.
Hobbies: Reading novels, golf, downhill skiing, baseball, basketball
Favorite novel: Too many - favorite author is David Baldacci
Favorite film: The Matrix
Keys to success: Philosophy of mine from Demosthenes - "To know what you know and to know what you don't know, is the characteristic of one who knows".
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): My minister, Nathan Detering
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Sports announcer