Dorothy Savarese 2012
September 13, 2012 - Financial Digest
Name: Dorothy Savarese
Title: Chairman, Mass. Bankers Association
Company: Cape Cod Five Savings Bank
Location: 532 Main St., Harwichport, Mass.
Place of birth and year: Ridgewood, NJ - 1957
Family: Divorced; son John
College: Thomas More College - BA Psychology; MBA - Suffolk University
First job outside of finance: Asst. Director - Little Miami, Inc.
First job in finance or allied field: Downtown Revitalization Mgr. - City of Lovington, KY
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Support the work of staff and members, oversee legislation; research; leadership work and help banks succeed and thrive, also focus on small business lending, education and develop industry leaders.
Hobbies: Time with family, walk, read
Favorite book: "A Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Favorite movie: It's A Wonderful Life
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Abraham Lincoln
Key to success (one idea): Set goals, work hard
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be: Mystery writer