IREM publishes new text for managing community associations
February 14, 2008 - Connecticut
Community Associations: A Guide to Successful Management, a comprehensive new publication focusing on the unique challenges of managing community associations and ways to effectively address them, is now available from the Institute of Real Estate Management. The publication is a must-have text for managers of common interest developments (CIDs). Volunteer members of community association boards responsible for balancing the needs of individual owners with those of the association will benefit as well.
Readers will come away with insights and "how to" advice on these and other topics central to successfully managing community associations:
*?What it takes to ensure that the association board, individual owners, and professional staff work together optimally.
*?What the best practices are for accounting, maintenance, and staffing.
*?How reserves should be established. Criteria association boards should consider when selecting a management firm.
*?Approaches for enforcing association rules and regulations.
*?Risk management factors to be considered by managers and owners.
Readers also will benefit from the inclusion of practical exhibits and checklists as well as a glossary of community association terms.
Community Associations: A Guide to Successful Management is $47.95 for IREM members and $59.95 retail price (plus shipping and applicable state sales tax). To order, contact the IREM Customer Relations Department at 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Internet users can order the publication online at