Callahan honored by Preservation Mass.
July 19, 2012 - Construction Design & Engineering
Callahan worked as the construction manager on three projects that were recently honored by Preservation Mass. at its 25th Annual Paul E. Tsongas Awards dinner. The projects - Havelhill's Hamel Mill Lofts, restoration of the School St. Residences in Athol, and the Chestnut Green project in Foxboro - were all recognized at the event held at The Fairmont Copley Plaza which celebrated the value and power of the Mass. Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (MHRTC) on its 10th anniversary.
The MHRTC, a critical economic engine, has provided the impetus for exemplary historic rehabilitation projects throughout Massachusetts. Callahan and the project owners utilized the MHRTC to revitalize, spur investment and create jobs at all three projects.
"We are thrilled to be able to restore these magnificent buildings and put people to work," said Patrick Callahan, president of Callahan. "We are committed to completing projects that enhance the quality of life and create jobs in Massachusetts."