SIOR Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter holds golf tournament and meeting
July 19, 2012 - Connecticut
The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR recently held a golf tournament at Timberlin Golf Club. Following a spirited round of golf, members and guests participated in a casual business meeting, cocktail hour, and dinner. The chapter would like to extend a special thanks to Jim Mahoney, economic development director in Berlin for arranging the golf and dinner venue at Timberlin.
The chapter was delighted to welcome and have two special guests join the day's activities - 2012 National SIOR president-elect, Terry Smith, and SIOR Northeast regional director, Rich Sleasman.
Joe Coci of Mountain Development Corp., and David Fiore of Marcus Partners spoke to the chapter about their conservative investment strategy and real estate holdings in the greater Connecticut/New York/New Jersey marketplace. Coci and Fiore also spoke of their joint re-development project located at 297 State St. in North Haven - a former printing plant and warehouse/distribution facility on an active rail line.
In addition to thanking Mountain Development Corp. for their generous sponsorship and participation in the event, the chapter would also like to acknowledge Diversified Project Management, a new annual sponsor of the organization. Diversified joins the chapter's other annual sponsors - CL&P/Yankee Gas and Bank of America.
The chapter also welcomed its newest member, Tom York, office specialist from Goman & York Property Advisors in East Hartford.
Please visit the website to find additional information on the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter, chapter members, and upcoming events. Should you have questions or interest in the requirements and benefits of becoming a SIOR and joining the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter.