Louis Sannella Audit Partner McGladrey & Pullen
February 14, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering
Name: Louis Sannella
Title: Audit Partner
Company: McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
Location: Burlington, Mass.
Place of Birth and Year: Boston, 1954
Family: Wife Laurie (Pothier), children - Nicole, Noelle, Crystal, Michael
College: MBA from Babson College, M.S. in Taxation from Bentley College, BSBA , major in accounting from Salem State College
First Job Unrelated to your current field: clerk - Stop & Shop
First Job in current field: Staff accountant - T. W. Mullen & Co.
What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future? McGladrey & Pullen provides audit and assurance services to many construction and real estate companies in N.E. Our future plans are to consistently strive to provide our clients with service to help them succeed.
Hobbies: Golf , hockey, skiing, beach and pool
Favorite Novel: All John Grisham books
Favorite Film: Grease and John Candy movies
Keys to Success: Honesty, principles of loyalty and dedication to hard work.
Person(s) You Most Admire: Veterans, Service providers to the handicapped
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be? Commercial R.E. developer