Becca Nell 2012
June 14, 2012 - Connecticut
Name: Becca Nell
Title: President
Company: Argyle Project Management LLC
Location: Norwalk, CT
Birthplace: Longmeadow, MA
Family: Husband, Brian, and dog
College: Bucknell University
First job outside of real estate: Mergers and Acquisitions
First job in real estate or allied field: Construction inspector for NY DOT
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We just launched and hope to grow awareness of the ARGYLE Trivantage - our unique consulting offering connecting real estate solutions, employee engagement and technology tools to form a fully integrated, functional workplace that supports your business growth.
Hobbies: Photography, baking, hiking
Favorite book: Hot Lights, Cold Steel - Dr. Michael Collins
Favorite movie: Oceans 11
Key to success: Be passionate about what you do and how you do it.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Drive and ice cream truck