Consigli employees volunteer for Rebuilding Together Worcester to rehab WWII veterans home
June 14, 2012 - Front Section
In partnership with Rebuilding Together Worcester, a group of 40+ volunteers from Consigli Construction Co., Inc. (Consigli) spent a weekend rehabilitating the home of 91 year-old Irving Lerner, a World War II veteran flight engineer who was shot down over Poland and held as a POW in Germany for nine months. Extensive repairs and upgrades were required at the home in order to avoid the loss of insurance coverage. The volunteers completely rebuilt Lerner's chimney and back porch, installed new ceiling tiles and drywall, repaired plumbing, installed new lighting, renovated the full bath, built shelving, painted, made general home repairs and did yard clean-up over the course of three days. Consigli donated all materials and tools for the renovation.
Rebuilding Together Worcester is a volunteer organization that forms partnerships with corporations, individuals and other organizations committed to improving our community by rehabilitating the houses of low-income homeowners, particularly the elderly, disabled and families with children, so that they may continue to live in warmth, safety and independence. In addition, RTW rehabilitates non-profit facilities such as community centers and shelters.