Conn./Western Mass. Chapter of SIOR hosts two events
January 31, 2008 - Connecticut
A continuing education course, Current Issues in Real Estate (Part I of the Connecticut mandatory C.E. requirement), was held on January 17th. Attorney Eugene Marconi, general counsel for Connecticut Association of Realtors, instructed the course. It was attended by 35 commercial real estate professionals, including 18 SIORs. The session was very well received. Mark Beaudry, SIOR complimented Marconi on the material and delivery, saying he was "the only instructor in years of continuing education classes who has held my attention for the entire three hours."
The course was held at Petra Construction Corporation which co-sponsored the event with the Connecticut Chapter.
Habitat For Humanity
On Saturday January 19th, a group of Connecticut SIORs and family members participated in a volunteer day in New Britain. SIOR members were paired with other volunteers forming three work parties. Interior projects mostly consisting of sheet rock installation occurred in a duplex and single family home located in the same neighborhood.
These New Britain properties are Habitat projects coordinated through the Hartford Habitat for Humanity Chapter. The Connecticut/Western Mass. SIOR Chapter is committed to continuing their association with Habitat, and accordingly plans are underway to schedule the next volunteer day later in 2008.
Please visit our website to find additional information on the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter, Chapter members, and upcoming events. Should you have any questions or interest in the requirements and benefits of becoming a SIOR and joining the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter, please contact Sherri Thompson, SIOR at 860.528.0884 or John Reed, SIOR at 860.987.4788.