27th annual Build Boston to feature Learning Stage and Design Gallery: November 16-18 at the Seaport Trade Center
November 10, 2011 - Spotlights
Build Boston is proud to present the 27th edition of its annual tradeshow and conference at the Seaport World Trade Center. The show attracts more than 250 of the nation's leading suppliers of building technologies, products and services, and more than 16,000 registrants. As the largest regional event for the design and construction industry in the country, Build Boston takes its role as convener and innovator seriously. To that end, the conference program has evolved, organizing in distinct tracks that are timely, technically advanced and relevant across the A/E/C professions. New products, technology innovations and the debut of unique services for the building industry are waiting for your inspection. Whether you are a contractor, engineer, specifier, or architect, you will find what you need (and even what you didn't know you needed) at Build Boston. Dig in and enjoy.
Exhibit Hall Highlights
Innovation Pavilion
The Innovation Pavilion provides a venue for new and innovative products to join the established event. Products showcased here have been in the marketplace for less than three years!
Housing Charrette
Wednesday 8:00 am- Noon
Housing is a perennial challenge for Boston area communities — here's your chance to weigh in on that conversation. Join Enterprise Community Partners, the BSA Housing Committee and other stakeholders for a morning of collaborative visioning and design addressing housing needs in our region. For details and to register, go to buildboston.com
Learning State
Industry experts deliver a dozen riveting 30-minute presentations at no cost in the exhibit hall. Learning units are not available.
See presentations by these companies and more:
- New England Architectural Woodwork Institute
- Community Design Resource Center
- The Belknap White Group
- Innovative Timber Systems
The Lounge
Visit the Lounge to relax, network and meet up with colleagues. Browse popular design titles in the bookstore, and take in book signings and happy hours!
Lounge Events
BSLA-sponsored happy hour
Wednesday, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Women In Design-sponsored happy hour
Thursday, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Design Gallery
View photos of projects by the Northeast's top design firms throughout the exhibit hall. View BSA and AIA New England design awardwinning
projects in The Lounge.
Awards Include:
- Accessible Design
- AIA New England Design
- Education Facilities Design
- Harleston Parker Medal
- Honor Awards for Design Excellence
- John M. Clancy Awards for Socially Responsible Housing
- Sustainable Design
- Unbuilt Architecture and Design
Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, November 16
noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday, November 17
Noon - 6:00 pm
Friday, November 18
10:00 am - 1:30 pm.