Contaminated Sediment Site Management seminar series
September 29, 2011 - Green Buildings
The Environmental Business Council is hosting a three part series on "Contaminated Sediment Site Management." This EBC seminar series will focus on the unique issues associated with contaminated sediment sites. After spending decades addressing upland source areas, there has been a significant shift toward assessing and remediating contaminated sediment sites. Contaminated sediment sites are far more costly to assess and remediate than typical upland sites and thus optimizing the management approach to sediment sites is critical to both reducing costs and gaining regulatory closure. The EBC organized this series of three seminars to assist responsible parties, consultants and regulators with the management of sediment sites.
Russell Schuck, vice president at Haley & Aldrich, is chairing the series and has over 20 years experience in environmental consulting. His areas of expertise include site characterization techniques, contaminant hydrogeology, metals geochemistry, limnology, and DNAPL fate and transport.
The first program was on September 22nd and highlighted Advances in Sediment Site Characterization. It focused on site characterization approaches (including the use of available technologies) that will help stakeholders gain a better understanding of the nature and extent of contamination in order to develop effective remedial strategies and their associated risks.
Topics from this series included:
* Consideration of Bioavailability in the Evaluation of Contaminated Sediment Sites
* Using Sediment Tracers to Identify Release Events, Differentiate Sources, and Assess Monitored Natural Recovery
* Sediment & Tissue Analysis: Challenges & Solutions
* The use of Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) for contaminated site assessments and remediation monitoring: Lessons learned from the past four decades
The second series will be on October 21st and will highlight Advances in Sediment Remediation Technologies. These technologies and methods achieve regulatory compliance while minimizing cost and managing contaminated sediment. The third will be held on November 18th and focus on Lessons Learned from completed projects. Both of these meetings will be held at the offices of Nixon Peabody at 100 Summer St. in Boston. Please check the EBC website for further details: