IREM study shows rising compensation levels for Accredited Residential Manager
January 16, 2008 - Connecticut
Real estate management professionals holding the Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) certification earned average annual compensation of $57,893 in 2006, including an average base salary of $51,335 for management activities, plus additional compensation in the form of an apartment or rental discount, commissions, bonuses and other real estate-related income. By comparison, those with the certification earned $45,507 in 1999, $31,099 in 1993, and $23,837 in 1987, underscoring a history of steady income growth.
These are among the just-released findings of the 2007 edition of the Accredited Residential Manager Profile and Compensation Study conducted by IREM. ARM-credentialed Members manage conventional apartments, federally assisted housing, public housing, military housing, condominiums, dormitories, homeowner's associations and mobile home parks. Â
The published survey findings provide detailed comparisons based on years of management experience, education, region, number and type of units managed as well as number of employees supervised and explain how each of these variables affects salary levels and the total compensation package.
The 2007 edition of the Accredited Residential Manager Profile and Compensation Study is priced at $47.95 for IREM members and $59.95 for non-members, plus shipping and handling and applicable state sales tax. To order contact IREM Customer Relations Dept. at 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-4090 or call (800) 338-4736.