IREM installs officers and presents annual awards
January 16, 2008 - Connecticut
The IREM Connecticut Chapter #51 recently held its Annual Meeting and Holiday Celebration at Elizabeth's Bar & Restaurant in Rocky Hill. Approximately 50 members and Friends of IREM attended.
The following slate of 2008 chapter officers, all of whom were re-elected to their 2007 offices, were introduced and sworn in by 1993-1994 Connecticut Chapter #51 president and former IREM Region 1 vice president Scott Ziegler, CPM: president: Mark O'Hagan, CPM, Fusco Management Company, LLC; vice president: Sandi Siedel, CPM, C.A. White, Inc.; treasurer: S. Lane Cree-Barry, CPM, Devcon Enterprises; secretary: Shelley Mitchell, CPM, Corridor Property Management, LLC.
Annual Awards for 2007 were presented by the chapter to:
Certified Property Manager: Sandi Siedel, C.A. White, Inc.
Accredited Residential Manager: Carmen Oliveras, Hallkeen Management
Certified Property Manager Candidate: Maureen "Billie" Finucane, US Trust, Bank of America
Friends of IREM: Martin Barletta, American Furniture Rental and Bob Williams, MacGray Company
IREM credentials were conferred upon two Connecticut chapter members during the course of the evening. Jason Falcetta, Fusco Management Company, LLC became the first person within the IREM Connecticut Chapter #51, and only the ninth IREM member nationally, to earn the Accredited Commercial Manager designation. Falcetta manages the Stamford and Bridgeport Train Stations.
In addition, Nancy Reno Sadloski, East Coast Ventures, was sworn in as a Certified Property Manager.
In other recent news, 2002-2003 & 2005-2006 IREM Connecticut Chapter #51 president Mel Cote, Simons Properties, was recently elected to a two year term as the 2008-2009 IREM Region 1 vice president.
Upcoming chapter meetings will be held at 12 noon at the Hawthorne Inn, 2421 Wilbur Cross Hwy., Berlin on both February 20th and March 19th. For additional information regarding these upcoming events and other Connecticut IREM Chapter #51 activities please visit our website at