Wayne D'Amico, CCIM - President, PropertyPolitics.com
January 16, 2008 - Connecticut
Name: Wayne D'Amico, CCIM
Title: President
Company: PropertyPolitics.com
Location: Essex, CT
Birthdate: April 26, 1967
Family: Wife, Betsy and two children, ages 7 and 8
College: BA New York University (1989)
First job unrelated to your current field: Musical entertainer
First job in current field: Self employed in real estate during college 1987 - Real Property Consultants
What your firm does now and plans for the future: We are a client centric advisory firm specializing in the "politics" of real estate investment and development. From acquisition to disposition, we understand complex land development, existing site redevelopment and economic development with geographic market influence in Central Connecticut, Middlesex County and southeastern Connecticut. As for the future plans: Expansion and greater focus in the affordable multifamily housing and retail sectors, internet based marketing and property tax assessment validation practices.
Hobbies: Avid guitar player, musical entertainer and guitar collector
Favorite book: "Winning Through Intimidation" - Robert Ringer
Favorite movie: "Diner"
Keys to success: Diligence and uncompromised integrity in all business decisions.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Pat Martino, jazz guitarist who after a massive stroke recovered and rehabilitated himself and "relearned" guitar at the virtuoso level that he enjoyed prior to the stroke. Donald Trump
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Lawyer